Fw: Summary of Environmental Health information on the Net

Oliver Obst (obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de)
Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:09:48 +0100 (CET)

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:09:48 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" <obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medbib-l
Subject: Fw: Summary of Environmental Health information on the Net

FYI, Oliver Obst.

Nachfolgend angekuendigte Liste, ca. 8 Seiten, kann bei mir angefordert

From: Ieva Bergman <LBERGMAN@cc.curtin.edu.au>
Tue, 16 Aug 1994 08:08:12 -0500
To: obsto@uni-muenster.de
Subject: Summary of Environmental Health information

There were several requests to summarise for the list, the material
I had collected on Environmental Health -- the List,
which follows, has proved to be quite substantial.
Thanks to those people mentioned below and everyone else who has forwarded
material to me.

Ieva Bergman