Fw: It's not just a job... it's an adventure

Oliver Obst (obsto@uni-muenster.de)
Thu, 25 Aug 1994 09:45:46 +0100 (CET)

Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 09:45:46 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" <obsto@uni-muenster.de>
Message-Id: <35148.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: It's not just a job... it's an adventure

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Guten Morgen!
In der Diskussionsrunde medlib-l, unserer "grossen Schwester" in den
Staaten, tobt seit einigen Wochen eine heftige Diskussion ueber das
Berufsbild des Medizinbibliothekars. Ob man Punkt 17:00 den Griffel weglegt
oder sich noch weiter ins Zeug legt, um die medizinische Versorgung
aufrechtzuhalten (Wen es interessiert, dem kann ich ein paar Beitraege
zuschicken). Einen - witzigen - Beitrag moechte ich ihnen aber nicht
vorenthalten (oder wie es bei den Ami's heisst: Heute schon gelacht ?!).
Oliver Obst
Wed, 24 Aug 1994 13:53:54 GMT
To: Multiple recipients of list MEDLIB-L
Subject: It's not just a job... it's an adventure

A real librarian serves, volleys, lobs, dives, slams, spikes, sprints,
bangs and crashes and then -- this is most important -- heads to the
beach where he or she models the latest in absolutlely sassiest beach-
wear, strikes a few buff poses, liberally and slowly applies tanning
lotion, and then commits firmly to a true horizontal status, at which
point a copy of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Assosciation is
prudently employed as a face-shield and snore-muffler. The real libra-
rian stays in this position as long as circumstance permits. After
all, one should always set a good example for the young people, and
one must never frighten the children.

[I say, Harold, that's a grippingly smashing outfit you've on today!
I say, Harriet, are you up for a bracing set of beach frisbee? You
are! Oh, simply smashing old gal, simply the cat's meow!]

Jon Cone
"Librarian in hiding"
Mercy Hospital
Iowa City IA 52245