Preisanstieg der medizinischen Zeitschriften

Oliver Obst (
Tue, 6 Sep 1994 16:48:54 +0100 (CET)

From: "Oliver Obst" <> 
To: medibib-l
Subject: Preisanstieg der medizinischen Zeitschriften

Aus dem BLAB(Biomedical Library Acquisition Bulletin)-journal #32, 10.9.1994:
FYI, O.Obst
From: The Editor

Kittie Henderson, of the L.A. EBSCO office (and a new BLAB subscriber) has
made available to me a preliminary version of the 1994 EBSCO Index Medicus
Price Study. It shows that the average 1994 price per Index Medicus title was
$330.70. This represents an increase of 7.6% over the average 1993 price.
Over the past four years, the rate has been rising at an overall annual rate
of 9%.