Fw: Survey on Medical and Health Libraries

Oliver Obst (obsto@uni-muenster.de)
Sat, 17 Sep 1994 10:21:23 +0100 (CET)

Date: Sat, 17 Sep 1994 10:21:23 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" <obsto@uni-muenster.de>
Message-Id: <37315.obsto@wwupop.uni-muenster.de>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Survey on Medical and Health Libraries

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Liebe Medibibler,
Gina und Luz aus Kolumbien haben mich gebeten, diese Umfrage ueber
Medizinbibliotheken an Sie weiterzuleiten. Wenn Sie keine Zeit dazu haben,
einen 3-seitigen Fragebogen zu beantworten, druecken Sie jetzt die D-Taste.
Wenn doch, waeren die beiden Studenten sicher froh!

Fri, 16 Sep 1994 15:23:30 -0400
To: medibib-l-request@uni-muenster.de
Subject: Survey on Medical and Health Libraries

September 7, 1994

We are doing a research on medical libraries. We are asking information
about the information centers, libraries and other institution that offers
information to people related to the health.

This job is one of the graduate requirements at our university. WE HOPE
to receive answers from as many countries as possible. If you want to
receive the conclusions of our survey let us know. We will be pleased
to send them to you.

We would be very pleased if you answer the following survey.
PLEASE ANSWER TO my E-MAIL adress, we are not suscribe to the
discussion group. I am so sorry, I do not speak German.

Thank you in advance.


CALLE 146 No. 13-61 INT.3 APT. 104

e-mail: lchavez@itecs5.telecom-co.net

COUNTRY: ------------------------------------------
INSTITUTION: __________________________________________
DEPARTMENT: __________________________________________
POSITION: __________________________________________

Mark with an X only one of the options.


This first set of questions is intended to detect the degree of automation
of the information centers.

1.1. In which of the following stages is the automation process of the
information center at?

_________ a. In Study
_________ b. Testing
_________ c. Working
_________ d. None of the above

1.2. Are you currently offering the service of bibliographical search on

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

1.3. Are you currently using a LAN at the library?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

1.4. Does the information center have access to nation-wide networks?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

1.5. Does the information center have access to world-wide networks?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No


This second set of questions is related with the methodology that was used
to implement the automation process.

2.1. In order to carry out the automation process, did you use any methodology
to evaluate the hardware and software?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.2. Do you consider your hardware is compatible with other machines in your

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.3. Is the software easy to use, secure and portable to other hardware?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.4. Do you consider the cost of software and hardware when you plan your

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.5. Did you make a list of requirements when you purchased hardware and

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.6. How did you purchased your hardware?

_________ a. Bid
_________ b. Select from some suppliers
_________ c. One supplier

2.7. Do you have a maintenance contract with your hardware supplier?

_________ a. Yes
_________ b. No

2.8. Who made the decision about which system to implement?

_________ a. Top management
_________ b. MIS Department
_________ a. Top management and a consultant company
_________ a. Y do not know


This set of questions is about the degree of satisfaction the users have about
the systems that you provide.

3.1. How much do users use the CD-ROM search?

_________ a. High
_________ b. Medium
_________ c. Low
_________ d. None of the above

3.2. How much do users use networks for finding information?

_________ a. High
_________ b. Medium
_________ c. Low
_________ d. None of the above

3.3. Do users ask for services different to the ones you currently have?

_________ a. Yes
Which ones?
___ 1. CD-ROM libraries
___ 2. Access to nation-wide networks
___ 3. Access to world-wide networks
___ 4. Multimedia
___ 5. Other: ______________________________

_________ b. No

Oliver Obst (obsto@uni-muenster.de) Medical & Computing Department
********MEDIBIB-L Listowner******** Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029
phone/fax +49.251.834004/251.838398 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany