Propaganda fuer Krebswundermittel "amazing cancer successes"

Oliver Obst (
Sat, 8 Oct 1994 12:40:39 +0100 (CET)

Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 12:40:39 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" <>
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Propaganda fuer Krebswundermittel "amazing cancer successes"

Liebe Medibibler,
entschuldigen Sie mich bitte fuer unten angefuehrte Mail, die Sie alle
Samstag bekommen haben. Offensichtlich wurde unsere Liste fuer einen dubiosen
Zweck missbraucht. Um es nocheinmal zu sagen: Ich entscheide *nicht*, welche
Mails an die Liste geschickt werden und welche nicht. Dies ist eine
unmoderierte Liste, d.h. *jeder* Brief an wird an
*jeden* Teilnehmer unserer Liste geschickt. Der Absender der unten zitierten
Propaganda-Mail fuer Krebswundermittel ( ist *nicht*
Mitglied unserer Liste, wohl aber Dr. Kuhnert ( Leider ist es
- wie gesagt - momentan jedem moeglich, an unsere Liste zu mailen, da keine
Beschraenkung auf den Absender hin vorgenommen werden kann. Sollte sich
sowas aber haeufen, dann werde ich alles unternehmen, um zu erreichen, dass
nur noch Listenmitglieder an die Liste schreiben duerfen.

Sie koennen mir helfen: Mailen Sie Ihre Meinung zu dieser
Unverschaemtheit! [Entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass ich diesen Mist hier
nochmal zitiere, aber es dient der Klarheit, wenn wir wissen, worueber wir

Ihr Oliver Obst
Mister Peterwiz!
PLEASE STOP to plug our valuable discussion list with your quackery stuff
immediately! This is a big annonyance to everyone on this list and
a severe violation of the Internet rules to post no business mails!


Dr. O. Obst, MEDIBIB-L listowner
Lieber Herr Dr. Kuhnert, wenn Sie Herrn Peterwiz kennen, moechten wir Sie
dringend bitten, diese Art von Mailings zu unterbinden! Es ist nicht nur
verboten, solche Angebote in Maillisten zu posten, sondern auch eine
Belaestigung fuer unsere saemtlichen Teilnehmer! Ausserdem muss man in
dieser Liste ein von mir eingetragenes Mitglied sein, um Mails an die Liste
schicken zu duerfen!

Dr. O. Obst, MEDIBIB-L listowner
------------------------------------------------------------------------- schrieb:
If you have a normal fear of cancer, or are presently close to it, read the
following fully:
There is no fraud here. Im a retired USNavyman and I have no desire to
get in trouble with Unc Sam. Show this to your favorite lawyer.
We all value our health and our family"s. This is an inexpensive way to
get the vital urgent information which you may need soon.
Talk to me at America On Line anytime for any comments at all.
Tanks, Peterwiz.
hey folks! Im on a crusade. By the way Im an aviation buff. At least I was
for four years when I was an electronic tech on Navy carriers. It was
awesome. I found something else awesome and amazing. There is a long term
cure for ALMOST ALL TYPES OF CANCER, and I will pay you to prove my facts
wrong. Thats right I'll pay you $20.00. An amazing 82% percent success rate.
I know what your thinking. Millions have died for a disease that there's a
cure for??!! One of them was my dad. Thats why Im on this crusade. You can
help me on this crusade to spread the word and expand the work of the late
Dr. Virginia Livingston. Why is she so little known?! She did publish her
work in the 1974 (!!!!) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Vol. 174)
personally, I think its due to the selfish and commercial media, and then
there's competition from the billion dollar cancer industry. Just the same,
IT IS DOCUMENTED FACT that Dr. Livingston has cured thousands of former
cancer patients. Thousands!!!! Call 1-900-844-8585 anytime. The call costs
about $10.00 but like I said I'll pay you $20.00 to prove my facts wrong.
1-900-844-8585. Sorry due to budget constraints, for now this number can
only be accessed from the Los Angeles CA area codes (213, 310, 818, 714).
perhaps you have family or friends from this area and they can help you
access this number by three way calling. You can get the same exact
information by rush mail by sending me $15.00 check or M.O. payable to
RSSD--acct#0349868-703 . Mail to Research System of San Diego -- 1042 North
47th St. San Diego CA USA. I need you help on this crusade.
Im also looking for donations and investors. Send donations to the above
address. If you have extra coins to invest in a worthwhile cause, call me
anytime at 619-264-0340. Ask for Peter/RSSD dept or Peterwiz thru Amer. On
Line. The life you save maybe someone close.

Oliver Obst ( Medical & Computing Department
********MEDIBIB-L Listowner******** Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029
phone/fax +49.251.834004/251.838398 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany