Goals of the SFB
Major research topics
Meetings & Seminars
 Project F1801
Project F1802
Project F1803
Project F1804
Project F1805
Project F1807
Project F1808
Project F1812
Project F1813
Project F1814
Project F1815
Project F1816
Project F1817
Project F1818
Project F1820
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Division of Immunopathology
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research
Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology

Medical University of Vienna

Vienna General Hospital, AKH, 3Q
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Coordination Project [Valenta]

Allergy Research Program

• The coordination project The coordination project serves for the scientific, financial and organisational coordination of the Special Research Program.Key activities of the coordination project are:
• The scientific co-ordination of the Special Research Program
Regular meetings guarantee that scientific communication among the participants of this program is very intensive
Progress report meetings are held at least twice a year, where the representatives of each research group present the work progress and adopt future strategies. 
Additionally, seminars with invited speakers will offer the opportunity to present relevant topics not only to the participants of the Research Program, but also to any other interested person.
Some participating groups have established regular journal clubs, where interesting papers are analysed and discussed. For SFB members only

• The financial co-ordination of the Special Research Program
• The co-ordination of educational and teaching activities
• Help regarding the coordination of animal experiments and clinical studies
 The co-ordination of Special Research Program activities within the universityLecture courses for students of the medical faculty and the faculty of natural sciences regarding the molecular and cellular mechanisms, diagnosis, prevention and therapy of IgE-mediated allergies. Establishment of a research nucleus that will provide technologies (structural analysis of proteins, chip-based gene expression profiling, chip-based diagnosis, molecular engineering, cell isolation and characterization) to other members of the university
• Outside representation of the SFBInformation of the public on future improvement of patients’ care and on new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic strategies.
Scientific collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and sponsoring of clinical studies