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Translating T Cell Immunology

SFB Symposium on histone deacetylases: from basic research to clinical application chromatin & epigenetics * HDAC biology and function * dissecting T cell-mediated immunity using OMICS approaches * clinical application of epigenetic inhibitors

Monday 19. 9. 2022, 09:00-18:00 hr
Tuesday, 20.9.2022, 09:00 - 14:00 h
Van Swieten Saal, 1090 Vienna, Medical University of Vienna
Download symposium announcement: announcement

T Cell Connect Europe - Immunology Online Lecture Series

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to compensate for the lack of conferences and scientifc seminar invitations, the SFB has been co-hosting, together with the EFIS - Immunology Letters study group " T Cell Connect Europe " ( a seminar series on T cell immunology. The online immunology lecture (OIL) series started in September 2020 and until July 2022 more than 60 talks were given. If you are interested to listen to the talks, please contact:
The program of 2020-2022 can be downloaded <here>.

Previous seminars

Monday, 13th of June, 2022, 16:00-17:00 Uhr - Zoom
Environmental influences on regeneration of intestinal epithelium
Prof. Brigitta Stockinger
Principal Group Leader / Associate Research Director
Francis Crick Institute London
Download: seminar announcement

Friday, 13th of June, 2022, 11:30-12:30 Uhr - Zoom
Regulation of human T cell differentiation
Prof. Riitta Lahesmaa
Director of Turku Bioscience Centre, Turku, Finland
Download: seminar announcement

Wednesday, 16th of June, 2021, 16:00-17:00 Uhr - Zoom
Post-translational modifications on and beyond histones, in health and cancer: a proteomic view
Tiziana Bonaldi, PhD - Associate Professor, Group Leader
European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Download: seminar announcement

Wednesday, 24th of March, 2021, 16:00-16:45 Uhr - Zoom
Host-pathogen interactions in COVID-19: What we learn from genomics data
Majid Kazemian, PhD Asst. Prof. of Biochemistry & Computer Science
Dep.of Biochemistry and Computer Science, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN, USA
Download: seminar announcement

Wednesday, 24th of March, 2021, 16:45-17:30 Uhr - Zoom
VitD-directed transcriptional programs in T cells and their role in COVID-19
Behdad (Ben) Afzali, MD, PhD Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, USA
Download: seminar announcement

Wednesday, 16.12. 2020, 15:15 Uhr
"Tackling drug resistance in cancer"
Saverio Minucci, MD
Department of Experimental Oncology, European Institute of Oncolog, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan
Download: seminar announcement

Thursday, 19.11. 2020, 13 Uhr
"HDAC1 and HDAC2 integrate checkpoint kinase phosphorylation and cancer cell fate through the acetylated phosphatase-2A subunit PR130"
Oliver Krämer, PhD Professor of Molecular Toxicology Department of Toxicology, University Medical Center
Download: seminar announcement

Wednesday, 21.10. 2020, 13 Uhr
"Understanding the role of HDAC1/2 complexes in development and disease"
Shaun Cowley, PhD Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester, UK
Download: seminar announcement

Friday, 8th of November, 2019,
SFB kick-off meeting (download poster)
Chunaram CHOUDHARY (Copenhagen) Proteomic exploration of lysine acetylation signaling
Patrick MATTHIAS (Basel) Lysine acetylation as a novel regulator of stress granules formation
Bernard MALISSEN (Marseille) In the Lego box of the TCR signaling network ... from the list of parts to the assembly instructions
Christina ZIELINSKI (Munich) Regulation of human T cell responses by the microenvironment in health and disease


++ 06/2022 - Christoph Bock receives the Erwin Schrödinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Science <link>
++ 12/2021 - Christoph Bock is included in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” by Clarivate Analytics (ISI Web of Science) in 2019, 2020, and 2021 <link>
++ 10/2021 - Karl Kuchler has been appointed as Professor of Molecular Biology <link>
++ 02/2021 - New publication in Journal of Autoimmunity: Histone deacetylase 1 controls CD4 + T cell trafficking in autoinflammatory diseases <link>
++ 01/2021 - Christoph Bock becomes the New Chair of of Medical Informatics at MedUni Vienna <link>
++ 12/2020 - Christoph Bock receives an ERC Consolidator Grant <link>
++ 06/2020 - Iris Gratz received the Kurt-Zopf-Prize for internationally recognized scientific publication achievements, Awarded by the University of Salzburg, Austria
++ 01/2020 - Wilfried Ellmeier started his 2-year term (2020-2021) as president of the Biomedical Alliance in Europe <link>
++ 08/2019 - Newspaper article about Wilfried Ellmeier and the SFB <pdf>
++ 04/2019 - Karl Kuchler is new Chief Editor of Infectious Diseases specialty in Frontiers in Microbiology <link>
++ 04/2019 - Michael Bonnelli and Wilfried Ellmeier talk at the MINI MED series about "Von Selbstschutz bis zur Autoimmunität: Einblicke in die Funktion unseres Immunsystems und die Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen" (April 16, 2019) <pdf>
++ 03/2019 - Radiokolleg Ö1: Christoph Bock and Wilfried Ellmeier talk about Epigentics and the Immune System (18.-21. March 2019)
++ 01/2019 - Postdoc and PhD student positions available in SFB network <pdf>
++ 11/2018 - The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) approves the SFB-F70: HDACs as Regulators of T-Cell-Mediated Immunity in Health and Disease <pdf>

Press releases / Presseaussendungen (in German)
Outreach activites / Wissenschaftskommunikation

Our research is funded by public money (e.g. Austrian Science Fund), therefore we have a strong committment to communicate our results also to the interested public.

• Kronen Zeitung Serie "Krone der Wissenschaft". Bericht über Wilfried Ellmeier und den SFB <pdf>
• Allgemeinverständliche Beschreibung über Spezialforschungsbereich (SFB) F70 <pdf>
• Presseaussendung MedUni Wien über Förderung und Einrichtung des Spezialforschungsbereichs SFB <pdf>
• Radiokolleg Ö1: Christoph Bock and Wilfried Ellmeier talk about Epigentics and the Immune Sytsem (18.-21. March 2019)
• Möglicher therapeutischer Ansatz für Multiple Sklerose entdeckt <pdf>
• Possible approach discovered for the treatment of multiple sclerosis <link>
• T-Helfer-Zellen können ihren Charakter ändern <pdf>
• Chromatin-modifizierendes Enzym beeinflusst Asthma <pdf>


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