Post-processing of arrays

Peter Hauser (last update 12.3.2002)

according to


  • Mark boundaries of array on the back of the slide using the diamond scriber
  • Caveat: Array blocks become invisible after post-processing!
  • Fill bottom of humid chamber with 1X SSC
  • Place the slides upside-down on the humid chamber and close the lid
  • Let the spots re-hydrate until they glisten (5 to 15 min, you may incubate shorter using higher temperature)
  • Snap-dry the arrays (1-3 sec) on an inverted heat-block at 75°
  • Place the arrays into slide rack
  • Pipette 15 ml of the sodium borate solution into a 50 ml Falcon tube

Blocking solution:

  • Dissolve 6 g succinic anhydride in approximately 325-350 ml 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone
  • Immediately after the succinic anhydride has dissolved, add 15 ml sodium borate solution and mix thoroughly
  • Immediately after both solutions are mixed, pour solution into an empty slide chamber
  • Plunge slide rack rapidly and evenly in solution and shake vigorously up and down for few seconds
  • Mix on an orbital shaker for 15-20 min
  • Meanwhile heat water in another slide chamber to boiling
  • Gently plunge the slide rack in 95°C water (just stopped boiling) for 2 min
  • Plunge slide rack 4-5 times into 95% ethanol
  • Centrifuge slides (e.g. in 50 ml Falcon tubes, leave the tubes open) at 600 rpm for 3 min
  • Use arrays or store them in a slide box


Humid chamber Sigma Cat. No. H6644
Inverted heat block
Diamond scriber VWR Cat. No. 52865-005
Slide rack
Slide chambers Shandon Lipshaw Cat. No. 1 (microwave safe)
Succinic anhydride Aldrich Cat. No. 23, 969-0
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone Aldrich Cat. No. 32, 863-4
Sodium borate 1M, pH=8.0
dissolve 6.18g boric acid in ~80ml H2O
adjust pH to 8.0 with 1N NaOH
adjust volume to 100ml
Ethanol 95%