Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging Centres within the Interdisciplinary Translational Brain Research Cluster (IT-BRC)

The IT-BRC is an interdisciplinary platform between 3 universities in Vienna and operates two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners and dedicated facilities at the High field MR Centre of the Medical University of Vienna (cluster lead) and the Medical University Dental Clinic “Bernhard Gottlieb” of Vienna . The new highfield 3 Tesla MR scanners can be used for structural and functional MRI, diffusion weighted imaging and tractography , and MR spectroscopy and are dedicated to neuroimaging in humans and mammals.

1.) SIEMENS Magnetom PRISMA 3T MR for clinical neuroscientific research at the Medical University of Vienna jointly directed by :
Lanzenberger Rupert (MD, Department of Psychiatry), cluster speaker 2017
Beisteiner Roland (MD, MA, Department of Neurology), cluster speaker 2016
Trattnig Siegfried (MD, Department of Radiology), cluster speaker 2014 - 2015
The activities of this team have already considerably improved the clinical neuroimaging research conditions at the Medical University of Vienna.
Besides diagnostic applications for patients of the Medical University of Vienna, the groups perform studies to improve diagnostic and therapeutic options in patients with neuropsychiatric diseases (e.g. Alzheimer, Parkinson, Movement Disorders, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Headache, Schizophrenia, Depression).

2.) Magnetom SKYRA 3T for neuroscientific research jointly directed by:
Lamm Claus, (PhD, Faculty of Psychology)
Huber Ludwig, (PhD, Messerli Research Institute)
Bugnyar Thomas, (PhD, Department of Cognitive Biology)
Fitch Tecumseh, (PhD, Department of Cognitive Biology)

Partners from three involved universities (in alphabetical order):
        Medical University of Vienna (lead): Beisteiner Roland, Lanzenberger Rupert, Trattnig Siegfried
        University of Vienna: Bugnyar Thomas, Fitch Tecumseh, Lamm Claus
        University of Veterinary Medicine: Huber Ludwig, Kneissl Sibylle


Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWF), Austria
Funding period 2014 - 2018, project 10.7 M€, support by BMWF 3.5 M€
Project title "Interdisziplinärer Translationaler Hirnforschungscluster (ITHC) mit Hochfeld MR"

Contact: For further information please contact the partners depending on your research question (links above)