Molecular pathogenesis of post‐transplant Acute Kidney Injury: assessment
of whole‐genome mRNA and miRNA profiles
Wilflingseder J(1,2), Sunzenauer J(2), Toronyi E(3), Heinzel A(4), Kainz A(1,2), Mayer B(4), Perco P(4), Telkes G(3), Langer RM(3), Oberbauer R(1,2).
1- Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Medical University Vienna, Austria
2- Department of Nephrology, KH Elisabethinen, Linz, Austria
3- Department of Transplantation and Surgery, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
4- emergentec biodevelopment GmbH, Vienna, Austria
// Tables
// Figures

Webtable 1:
245 significantly differentially regulated mRNAs comparing post-TX AKI
and protocol biopsies from allografts with primary graft function.
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Webfigure 1:
Principal component analysis based on the 245 differentially regulated
genes comparing post-TX AKI and PGF allografts. The first three principal
components (PC) were plotted, capturing 85% of the variance in the dataset. Acute
kidney injury allografts (grey spheres) and allografts with primary kidney function
(black spheres) form two distinct clusters.
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Webtable 2:
Significantly over-represented biological processes embedded in the post-TX mRNA signature (245 mRNAs).
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Webfigure 2:
Correlation coefficients (Spearman’s rho) of (A) miR-132-3p and (B) miR-
212-3p (C) miR-149-3p calculated for all mRNAs against the raw p-values of baseline
adjusted mRNA levels between the AKI and PGF group.
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Webtable 3:
39 significantly differentially regulated mRNAs comparing AKI and PGF allografts after baseline adjustment.
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Webfigure 3:
qRT-PCR validation of significantly differentially regul lated (A) mRNAs (SLPI, MMP7 and LCN2) and (B) miRNAs (miR-182-5p and miR-21-3p) between
AKI and control group (PGF). Log2 (relative expression) values are shown for the qRT-PCR and the array experiment. Individual data points as well as median,
1st and 3rd quartile are provided.
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Webtable 4:
Significantly differentially regulated miRNAs comparing post-TX AKI and protocol biopsies from allografts with primary graft function.
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Webtable 5:
Significantly differentially regulated microRNAs comparing AKI and PGF allografts after baseline adjustment.
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Webtable 6:
Table S6. Highly correlated genes (Spearman’s rho > 0.7 or < -0.7) to miR-182-5p, miR-132-3p, miR-212-3p and miR-149-3p out of the baseline adjusted differentially regulated gene list. [data-button href="" target="_blank"]View PDF[/data-button] [/data-info-col-1] [/data-info-cols]