AllFam Allergen List

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AF044: CAP family

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Routes of exposure:
Include only IUIS approved allergens.

32 allergenies from all sources with all routes of exposure found (sorted by route of exposure).

Name Links to allergen DBs Source Group Routes of exposure
Cte f 2 IUIS Ctenocephalides felis (Cat flea) Animals Contact
Cuc m 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Cucumis melo (Muskmelon) Plants Ingestion
Art v 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort) Plants Inhalation
Cyn d 24 IUIS Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) Plants Inhalation
Str s venom group 5-like AllergenOnline Strongyloides stercoralis (Threadworm) Animals Parasite Infestation
Dol a 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Dolichovespula arenaria (Yellow hornet) Animals Sting, bite
Dol m 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Dolichovespula maculata (Bald-faced hornet) Animals Sting, bite
Glo m 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Glossina morsitans (Tsetse fly) Animals Sting, bite
Pac c 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Pachycondyla chinensis (Asian needle ant) Animals Sting, bite
Pol a 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polistes annularis (Paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Pol d 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polistes dominula (European paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Pol e 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polistes exclamans (Paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Pol f 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polistes fuscatus (Paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Pol g 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polistes gallicus (Paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Pol m 5 IUIS Polistes metricus (Paper wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Poly p 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Polybia paulista (Neotropical social wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Poly s 5 IUIS Polybia scutellaris (Social wasp) Animals Sting, bite
Sol g 3 IUIS Solenopsis geminata (Tropical fire ant) Animals Sting, bite
Sol i 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Solenopsis invicta (Red imported fire ant) Animals Sting, bite
Sol r 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Solenopsis richteri (Black imported fire ant) Animals Sting, bite
Sol s 3 IUIS Solenopsis saevissima (Brazilian fire ant) Animals Sting, bite
Tab y 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Tabanus yao (Horsefly) Animals Sting, bite
Ves f 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula flavopilosa (Downy yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves g 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula germanica (German yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves m 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula maculifrons (Eastern yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves p 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula pensylvanica (Western yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves s 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula squamosa (Southern yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves v 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula vulgaris (Yellow jacket) Animals Sting, bite
Ves vi 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespula vidua (Ground hornet) Animals Sting, bite
Vesp c 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespa crabro (European hornet) Animals Sting, bite
Vesp m 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Vespa mandarinia (Asian giant hornet) Animals Sting, bite
Vesp ma group 5 AllergenOnline Vespa magnifica (Hornet) Animals Sting, bite

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Clicking on the IUIS and AllergenOnline links leads you to the allergen descriptions in the IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Database and AllergenOnline.