AllFam Allergen List

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AF043: Hevein-like and class I/II chitinase

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9 allergenies from all sources with all routes of exposure found (sorted by source organism group).

Name Links to allergen DBs Source Group Routes of exposure
Bra r 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Brassica rapa (Brassica campestris) (Turnip) Plants Contact; Ingestion
Cas s 5 IUIS AllergenOnline Castanea sativa (Sweet chestnut) Plants Ingestion
Cry j chitinase AllergenOnline Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar) Plants Inhalation
Hev b 11 IUIS AllergenOnline Hevea brasiliensis (Para rubber tree) Plants Contact
Hev b 6 IUIS AllergenOnline Hevea brasiliensis (Para rubber tree) Plants Contact
Mus a 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Musa acuminata (Banana) Plants Ingestion
Pers a 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Persea americana (Avocado) Plants Ingestion
Tri a 18 IUIS Triticum aestivum (Wheat) Plants Ingestion
Zea m 8 IUIS AllergenOnline Zea mays (Maize) Plants Ingestion

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Clicking on the IUIS and AllergenOnline links leads you to the allergen descriptions in the IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Database and AllergenOnline.