AllFam Allergen List

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AF093: Expansin and expansin-like

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Routes of exposure:
Include only IUIS approved allergens.

24 allergenies from all sources with all routes of exposure found (sorted by allergen name).

Name Links to allergen DBs Source Group Routes of exposure
Agr a expansin AllergenOnline Agrostis alba (Bent grass) Plants Inhalation
Agr a group 1 AllergenOnline Agrostis alba (Bent grass) Plants Inhalation
Ant o 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet vernal grass) Plants Inhalation
Ant o expansin AllergenOnline Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet vernal grass) Plants Inhalation
Cyn d 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) Plants Inhalation
Cyn d 15 IUIS Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) Plants Inhalation
Dac g 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Dactylis glomerata (Orchard grass) Plants Inhalation
Dac g 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Dactylis glomerata (Orchard grass) Plants Inhalation
Dac g 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Dactylis glomerata (Orchard grass) Plants Inhalation
Fes a expansin AllergenOnline Festuca arundinacea (Tall fescue) Plants Inhalation
Fes a group 1 AllergenOnline Festuca arundinacea (Tall fescue) Plants Inhalation
Hol l 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Holcus lanatus (Velvet grass) Plants Inhalation
Lol p 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) Plants Inhalation
Lol p 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) Plants Inhalation
Lol p 3 IUIS AllergenOnline Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) Plants Inhalation
Ory s 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Oryza sativa (Rice) Plants Inhalation
Pas n 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Paspalum notatum (Bahia grass) Plants Inhalation
Pha a 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Phalaris aquatica (Canary grass) Plants Inhalation
Phl p 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Phleum pratense (Timothy) Plants Inhalation
Phl p 2 IUIS AllergenOnline Phleum pratense (Timothy) Plants Inhalation
Poa p 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Poa pratensis (Kentucky blue grass) Plants Inhalation
Sor h 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass) Plants Inhalation
Sor h 2 IUIS Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass) Plants Inhalation
Zea m 1 IUIS AllergenOnline Zea mays (Maize) Plants Inhalation

Click on the table headers to re-sort the table.
Clicking on the IUIS and AllergenOnline links leads you to the allergen descriptions in the IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Database and AllergenOnline.