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Department for Student Affairs Information

Opening hours

Monday: 10am-12pm, 1-3 pm
Wednesday: 10am-12pm


Währinger Str. 25A
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Please note that only the parts of this page that concern english-speaking students have been translated into english.

Service for students

Personal auditions

For a personal audition you need to take a ticket from the dispenser in the reception area of our department (see the description/list of themes below). You will then be called on our infoscreens with your ticket number.

Please note that during the opening hours for personal auditions, availability by phone is very limited.

In order for us to provide you with personal information, you must bring a photo ID with you or use your MUW-studID by e-mail.

Our department is closed in the following times: From To
Christmas holidays 23.12.2024 07.01.2025
Semester holidays 03.02.2025 23.02.2025
Easter holidays 14.04.2025 27.04.2025
Whitsun holidays 09.06.2025 10.06.2025
Summer holidays 01.07.2025 01.09.2025
Christmas holidays 22.12.2025 11.01.2026
Semester holidays 02.02.2026 22.02.2026
Easter holidays 30.03.2026 12.04.2026
Whitsun holidays 25.05.2026 26.05.2026
Summer holidays 01.07.2026 30.08.2026


Postage/Deposit Box

Einwurfkasten Postkasten Studienabteilung

Documents can be sent via mail to our address.

Alternatively, you can use our deposit box which is located in the entrance area of the builduing. It is accessible on working days from 7am to 7pm.

Student-Card Terminal

Ausweis-Terminal vor der Studienabteilung

Aside from the student-card terminal inside of our department, there is another one mounted on the wall in the entrance area of the building.

It is accessible on working days from 7am to 7pm.


Department for Student Affairs

Währinger Straße 25a
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

How to reach us with public transport:
  • Metro line U6 to station Währinger Straße, then continue with tram lines 40, 41 or 42
  • Metro line U2 to Station Schottentor, then continue with tram lines 37, 38, 40, 41 or 42
  • Tram lines 37, 38, 40, 41 or 42 to station Sensengasse (direction Schottentor)
  • Tram lines 37, 38, 40, 41 or 42 to station Schwarzspanierstraße (coming from station Schottentor no stop in station Sensengasse)

You can also contact us via e-mail.

Before you contact us, please check the available information on our homepage to see if your question is already answered there. Thank you!

To provide and/or check personal information it is neccessary to use your MUW-studID-Mail-Address when contacting us. In your message, please make sure to use a clear and well-defined subject as well as a comprehendable and short summary of your problem.

Please do not send your message to more than one recipient. We will answer you as soon as possible.

Department Of Student Affairs

To protect your data, it is not possible to talk about personal information on the phone. Please note that support given over the telephone is not legally binding and availability by phone during our opening hours for personal auditions is limited. We therefore recommend you to contact us via E-Mail.

T: +43 (0)1 40160-21000
F: +43 (0)1 40160-921000