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Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science

UN 790 202

Dear Doctoral students and Fellows,

First, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Medical University. It is always a great feeling to be surrounded by likeminded people sharing the same passion for research.

On behalf of Medical University of Vienna, let me say that we are very pleased that you have accepted our offer to become part of our research community. We feel privileged that you have chosen to become an early stage researcher at our institute. This is your first step towards an independent professional research career. Our university and the Doctoral School Team will do their best to offer you maximum support in this endeavor and accompany you all the way to your graduation.

To help you find your way at the start of your doctorate, we placed all the relevant information on this web page. The first steps you need to take are: (i) together with your supervisor, define a thesis project; (ii) in collaboration with this supervisor, submit a thesis concept in order to get registered at the university; and (iii) handle all administrative matters so as to gain full access to our facilities. That’s it! You are now ready to start your research project and set off on your journey to personal growth.  

Your supervisor is your primary contact at the university and it’s their responsibility to guide you through your studies and training as well as to create an environment where you can foster your talents and research. Thus, feel free to seek advice from your supervisor on any matter regarding your career and/or your stay here with us. Nevertheless, you are the co-creator of your career and it is expected that you will use all the opportunities handed to you wisely to develop your abilities further so as to become an excellent researcher and leader in the future.

In this spirit, I wish you a successful start and a wonderful and enlightening time at the Medical University of Vienna.

Yours sincerely,

Stefan Boehm
Director of the Doctoral School

We are very pleased to see you at the information hub of the Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science. We have collected and gathered here all necessairy the information to successfully complete your doctoral studies. If you have any questions regarding your employer-employee relationship, please consult our MedCampus or intranet sites.



Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science Information Hub

Information for a good start

What ist the best start towards your successful graduation?

Thematic Programmes

The thematic programmes offer a range of possible focus studies. Find the right one for your interests.


Which propedeutics are mandatory and which are not? When do they have tob e completed?

Doctoral Thesis

Your thesis provides the evidence that you have acquired necessary knowledge and skills.

Accreditation of courses / Semester(s) abroad

Here you will find information concerning the accreditation of courses.

Requirements for switching in PhD Studies UN094

Minimal requirements for switching from the Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science N790 to the PhD Programme N094 curriculum and for obtaining the PhD degree.

Thesis submission / Completion of studies

Please see how to submit the completed doctoral thesis.


When and where do you get your diploma? When does the academic ceremony take place?

Doctoral viva dates

See announced doctoral viva dates


See a list of doctorands who have already completed their doctoral studies.


See all available forms.

Orientation and Direction

Wondering what is the quickest way to get to your next course or work place? The campus  map is a useful tool for orientation, we advise you to save it to your mobile phone to have it with you when needed. Additionally, you can look up the directions to MedUni Vienna here.


The PhDaily

Tune in the Podcast of our YSA every last Friday of the month!

Wisdom Takeaways from Season One (2022)

Interested to collect experience abroad?

The OeAD offers an interesting overview of scholarship opportunities for study or research abroad. Click here to get more information.