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Registration to courses

PhD Programme N094

Registration to courses is to be managed electronically via Med.Campus!

In principle there is no minimum/maximum number of courses or of semester hours to be completed each semester. Courses announced within other thematic programmes (instead of the officially selected one) may be taken as well as far as they are appropriate to the scientific background of the thesis project. In the latter case it is recommended to inform the programme coordinator of the officially selected thematic programme.  

At the end of the studies the following required semester hours are to be completed:

For the PhD Programme UN094:

  • 4 semester hours* Basic Seminars
  • 6 semester hours* Propedeutics
  • 8 semester hours* Thesis Seminars
  • 12 semester hours* Journal Clubs
  • attending one YSA-Symposium

*1 semester hour = appr. 11 hours (15 academic hours á 45 minutes)

For the attendance and completion of courses a valid enrolment or a  "Mitbelegung" (co-enrolment) at the Medical University of Vienna is needed!

The gradings about the courses can be seen in the MedCampus student account in general latest by the end of the related semester.

You can find here more specific informations to the lessons content as well as the suggested semester scheduling.