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Doctoral Thesis - Compilation

Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science UN790
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There are some very important guidelines to pay attention to while writing your doctoral thesis. Make yourself familiar with them to avoid inconvenient situations and frustration.

Please read and adhere to the document final thesis admission checklist when compiling your thesis and submit the document filled in together with the required documents when announcing your upload.

Before starting, talk to your supervisor, he or she can give you some suggestions and best practices. Furthermore it might be a good idea to study already completed doctoral theses (it is recommended to use templates from the year 2015).

Remember your obligation to report your thesis progress at least once a year (please see forms below).

File type

The completed thesis is to be submitted as PdF/A-file therefore please notice the guidelines for PdF/A - Conversion already at the beginning of your writing.

The file forgoing the conversion to PdF/A must be in one of these file formats: 

  • Microsoft Word
  • PowerPoint 
  • WordPerfect 
  • PostScript
  • PDF 
  • HTML
  • RTF
  • OpenOffice (ODT)
  • Hangul (HWP)
  • Google Docs (submitted via the Google Drive submission option), 
  • plain text files 

Printing and content

There has to be included one English and one German abstract (about 1 A4 page each) into the thesis as well as indicated within the table of contents.

A list of publications (if available) and the curriculum vitae is to be included at the end of the thesis.

Pay special attention to the cover page
as well (see forms below). 

There is to be included: 

  • Doctoral Thesis at the Medical University of Vienna for obtaining the "PhD"- resp. "Doctor of Medical Science"-Degree,
  • title of the doctoral thesis (please do not use abbreviations),
  • your name as the author,
  • supervisor (including the institute/center/department),
  • place and date of compilation and submission

Some suggestions for formatting the thesis: 

  • Arial 
  • 11 pt 
  • line spacing: 1,5 lines 
  • margin: 2-3 cm 
  • pages may be imprinted one-sided or duplex 
  • your name shall be on the spine of the thesis books

Publication-based doctoral thesis

In addition to a monograph, a doctoral thesis may also be compiled using (one or more) published papers (recommended). Please note that the work has to be submitted formally as a doctoral thesis, including a cover page, German and English abstracts, an introduction, a discussion, and references. Additional sections apply. As a rule of thumb, the introduction and discussion chapters should comprise about 50% of the total length of the doctoral thesis.

In the PhD Programme UN094 there has to be – as mentioned above - at least one first-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Please note that the work has to be submitted formally as doctoral thesis, joint cover page, joint abstracts (German and English), joint introduction and joint discussion are a minimum requirement. The joint introduction and joint discussion should span at least 30 and 10 pages respectively.

You should concentrate on the main theme (where e.g. the first-author publication will be published), possible further themes should be cited as additional outcomes/projects. Further more there should be cited which experiments are carried out by the doctorand. Even better it is to list up the contributions of the co-authors.

Please see "thesis outline" below.


Plagiarism Check

A standardized plagiarism check takes place after after the submission of the completed doctoral thesis. Please read the information on plagiarism. Avoid any form of plagiarism and be aware of the serious consequences that result from this form of misconduct. You can find further information about this subject in the download section below.