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Master's exam

Molecular Precision Medicine (UN 066 329)

General information

  1. The prerequisite for admission to the Master's examination is the positive completion of all prescribed modules and examinations as well as the positive assessment of the Master's thesis.
  2. The Master's examination is a defensio and is 3 ECTS credits worth.

  3. The rules of the statutes (Satzung) of the Medical University of Vienna apply to the Master's examination. Students who fulfil the requirements register with the competent governing body of the Medical University of Vienna in terms of study law.
  4. The examination panel should be proposed by the student and must be approved by the CD, whereby at least one person should be from among the lecturers of MPM. The CD can either chair the committee him/herself or appoint one of the three examiners as chairperson (the chairperson keeps the examination record).

  5. The defensio is held with two examiners plus the thesis supervisor and should comprise a 20-25 minute presentation, followed by questions from the audience and, finally, questions from the examiners. The examiners then grade the thesis defence from 1 (very good) - 5 (failed)

Notification of the Master's examination

The requirements for registering for the oral commission Master's examination is the complete successful completion of

  • all prescribed modules and examinations
  • positive assessment of the Master's thesis