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Master thesis

Molecular Precision Medicine (UN 066 329)

General information

  1. The regulations of the statutes (Satzung) of the Medical University of Vienna apply to the Master's thesis.
  2. The Master's thesis serves as proof of the ability to work independently on scientific topics in terms of content and methodology.
  3. The Master's thesis is usually written in the 4th semester. The task of the Master's thesis is chosen in such a way that it is possible and reasonable for the student to complete it within six months.
  4. The modules MPM1, MPM2, MPM3 and MPM6 must be completed before starting the Master's thesis.
  5. The Master's thesis is worth 27 ECTS credits.
  6. The topic and the proposal for the supervision of the Master's thesis shall be submitted to the Medical University of Vienna for approval. Lecturers of the University of Vienna may also be consulted for the supervision/examination of the Master's thesis.
  7. Qualified supervisors must be habilitated, assistant, associate, or full university professors at either the MedUni or University of Vienna.
  8. If your supervisor is not affiliated with the Medical University of Vienna or the University of Vienna (external supervisor), you will need a co-supervisor. The co-supervisor should be an approved supervisor at either the Medical University or University of Vienna and qualified to evaluate:

   a. the relevance of the proposed project 

   b. the qualifications/suitability of the direct supervisor

   c. evaluate and confirm the final thesis grade given by the direct supervisor

   d. participate in the Master thesis defence

Both your co-supervisor and direct supervisor should be listed on the cover page of your Master thesis. 

In these cases, please consult the appropriate Module Coordinator to identify a suitable co-supervisor for your topic.

Procedure for the Master's thesis

1. Notification of the Master's thesis topic

At the start of the Master's thesis, the topic and supervisor are reported to the Department of Studies and approved by the Curriculum Director. When registering the Master's thesis, a project plan must also be enclosed. (max. 5 pages)

Please return the completed form

2. Write the Master Thesis

3. Upload Master's thesis to MedCampus (plagiarism/review)

Lock: The intention of the lock is that the data of the Master's thesis is not made accessible for the duration of the lock. If a block is required, please set the blocking note in the publication server to "yes" and specify the blocking period.

Plagiarism check: After completing your Master's thesis, you must upload it to MedCampus, only then can your thesis be forwarded to the plagiarism department for checking. Note: The plagiarism check (library) can take up to 6 weeks.

The study department cannot answer questions about plagiarism checks or duration/sequence. Please send questions directly to

Grading/review: The main supervisor must upload his/her assessment/review (Word/PDF or template) to MedCampus within 6 weeks of submitting the Master's thesis (only with MUW user ID). For external supervisors, please send the assessment/review to

Please return the completed form

Your Master's thesis can only be approved by the Curriculum Directorate once the plagiarism check has been fully completed and the assessment has been submitted.