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European Fellowship in Neuropathology at MedUni Vienna

The certificate "European Fellowship in Neuropathology" is an EU-wide quality seal
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(Vienna, 12-07-2023) For the second year in a row, the Division of Neuropathology and Neurochemistry at the Department of Neurology, MedUni Vienna, together with the European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (Euro-CNS), organised the internationally recognised two-day European examination "Examination for European Fellowship in Neuropathology".

The Euro-CNS was founded in 1994 as an association of national neuropathological societies. It is a member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), an associate society of the European Society of Pathology and a partner of the European Academy of Neurology. One of its aims is to establish and develop quality and the highest standards in diagnostic neuropathology and to promote young scientists in the field. Due to the complexity of neurological and psychiatric diseases in childhood and adulthood and their tissue-based and neurobiological interpretation, neuropathology is managed as a separate discipline in some European countries (as well as in Austria) and the USA.

The European Fellowship in Neuropathology certificate is an EU-wide seal of quality.