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Information for students with Ukrainian refugee status

MedUni Vienna is offering support to Ukrainian students to help them gain a foothold in the university environment in Austria and to continue their studies even during the war in their homeland (within the meaning of the Ordinance on a Temporary Right of Residence for Displaced Persons from Ukraine - Displaced Persons Ordinance, Federal Law Gazette II No. 92/2022).

There are several ways for refugee students to do this - depending on their prior knowledge of their subjects, language skills, and personal goals:

  • Temporary admission to degree courses within the framework of a mobility programme
  • Admission to degree courses with the possibility of completing their studies at MedUni Vienna as a "lateral entrant"
  • New entry onto the medicine or dentistry degree course (start in the winter term)
  • Temporary admission to non-degree studies in the framework of a bilateral cooperation agreement / an exchange programme
  • Pre-study course with intensive courses to prepare for supplementary exams (German, biology, chemistry, physics)

MedUni Vienna students provide support as "buddies"

As part of the MORE initiative at MedUni Vienna, committed students will act as "buddies" to their Ukrainian colleagues, thereby offering these refugees a new perspective. The "buddies" study in the same small group as the refugee students and are therefore on hand to help them find their bearings in everyday university life and also on a personal level. Placements are made by the Academic Department.

Waiver or refund of the tuition fee

MedUni Vienna is waiving the tuition fee for the 2024 summer semester for Ukrainian students (Ukrainian nationals).
Ukrainian students who have already paid the tuition fee for the 2024 summer semester can apply for a refund.
They will be required to prove their Ukrainian citizenship by means of a Ukrainian passport or certificate of nationality. Third-country nationals must present an ID card for displaced persons.

Even if the tuition fee is waived, students must pay their Austrian Student Union (ÖH) subscription in due course, in order to be admitted onto a course or to continue their studies.

Nostrification of a prior degree in medicine or dentistry

Those who already have a degree in medicine or dentistry completed in Ukraine may apply to have it recognised at MedUni Vienna, where they will also be given advice and further information about nostrification (pursuant to § 90 UG (Universities Act)).

Leave of absence

Ukrainian students already studying at MedUni Vienna who are prevented from continuing their courses at MedUni Vienna due to the current situation in their home country (e.g. taking on additional care duties) may apply for leave of absence in accordance with § 67 UG (Universities Act) in conjunction with § 13 of Section II of the Statutes of MedUni Vienna.


For further information please contact the Academic Department Harald Jäger or the International Office.

Options for continuing your studies or starting at MedUni Vienna

Ukrainian students whose home university has a bilateral cooperation agreement with MedUni Vienna can apply for a temporary study and/or clerkship stay at MedUni Vienna. The aim is that any credits earned at MedUni Vienna afterwards get acknowldged and counted towards their degree at their home university. Students interested in this option are welcome to contact the International Office:

Alternatively, there is an option for applicants who have already acquired at least 180 ECTS credits in the course of their studies in medicine or dentistry at a Ukrainian university and who wish to continue or complete their studies at MedUni Vienna to be admitted to the 7th semester or above of the respective degree course as "lateral entrants", provided there are free places in the relevant courses according to the respective curriculum.

Applicants with no prior studies can gain admission to the medicine or dentistry degree course under the general regulations on the completion of the admissions procedure (MedAT). Online registration is open between 01.03.2024 and 29.03.2024 (24:00). The registration fee of €110 will be reimbursed for Ukrainian citizens.

In order to attend individual courses in scientific subjects, students may apply for admission to the non-degree programme within the respective admission period. Admission to the non-degree programme automatically lapses. 

Courses at MedUni Vienna are held in German and therefore require a sound working knowledge of German, ideally equivalent to level C1.

The Pre-Study Course (VWU) offers intensive courses for applicants who are not native German-speakers, to help them prepare for supplementary examinations (for MedUni Vienna: German, Biology, Chemistry, Physics).