(Vienna, 05 December 2019) At the annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology in Graz, prestigious prizes were awarded to several members of the Medical University of Vienna and the CeMM. Hannes Stockinger, Head of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology received the Karl Landsteiner Medal for his services to immunology. This is the highest award given by the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI).
The Clemens von Pirquet Prize for outstanding work in the field of allergy research Christian Lupinek, Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna, for his paper entitled "Maternal allergen-specific IgG might protect the child against allergic sensitization", published in J.Allergy and Clin.Immunology.
The Karl Landsteiner Prize for outstanding works in the field of basic immunology research Hatoon Bazim, from CeMM Vienna, for her paper entitled "CD8+ T cells induce cachexia during chronic viral infection“, published in Nature Immunology 20, 701–710 (2019).
ÖGAI Dissertation Prizes for dissertations with outstanding scientific content in the field of allergology or immunology:
Judit Singer-Fazekas, from the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research of the Medical University of Vienna for her paper entitled "Advanced antibody-based immunotherapies of cancer: a comparative approach".
Huey-Jy Huang from the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research of the Medical University of Vienna for her paper entitled "Identification of the dominant T cell and B cell epitopes of important HDM allergens".
Bernhard Kratzer from the Institute of Immunology of the Medical University of Vienna for his paper entitled "Modulation of allergic sensitization and disease in humanized allergy mice".
Raphaela Freidl from the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research of the Medical University of Vienna for her paper entitled "Novel Approaches for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy".
Various poster and oral presentation awards also went to researchers from MedUni Vienna.ÖGAI website: http://www.oegai.org/oegai/index.php?id=405.