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Mentoring program for young researchers in North America

The MedUni Vienna Alumni Club and ASciNA pair young researchers with experienced mentors

(Vienna, 10-08-2015) – A new round of the successful ASciNA mentoring program is starting again this autumn. The Alumni Club of MedUni Vienna (association of graduates from the Medical University of Vienna) and the association of Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America (ASciNA) have been collaborating to provide a mentoring scheme since 2010. The Alumni Club sponsors three one-year pairs mentoring places for its members who are in North America doing research.


Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America (ASciNA), a network of more than 1000 Austrian scientists in the USA, Canada and Mexico, invites graduates of MedUni Vienna (PhDs, postdocs) to apply for a place on the ASciNA Mentoring Program (AMP) during their research placement in North America. The next mentoring cycle starts on 1 September 2015 and runs for one year. Applications will be received up until 25 August 2015.

Career advice – plus financial support from the Alumni Club

ASCINA is the first point of contact for new arrivals in North America, to answer their questions and put them in touch with other Austrians living abroad. Moreover, as part of the mentoring program, the association will find scientifically established dialogue partners for young researchers seeking advice about their career path and inside knowledge of the American research system.

Austrian researchers (PhDs, postdocs) who have a confirmed placement or a university place in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico) at the start of the program and belong to the Alumni Club qualify for one of the places on the AMP financed by the club. ASciNA seeks out mentors to support the mentees with career planning advice and assistance for one year. Not only do the mentees benefit from the extensive experience and insider knowledge of their mentors, who originate from Austria and have already established themselves in North America, but the financial support provided by the MedUni Vienna Alumni Club enables the mentoring pairs to meet in person, to visit conferences together and to invest in additional training.

If you are interested in taking part in the mentoring program as a mentee, you can find out about it and register at or by 25 August 2015.

» Alumniclub der MedUni Wien