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Results of the admissions process for medical studies in Austria

789 women and 772 men (50.54%/49.46%) qualified for university places. There are a total of 1,561 university places for studying medicine in Austria.

(Vienna, 06-08-2015) 11,409 applicants took part in the MedAT joint admissions process held on 3 July 2015 at the medical universities of Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz and the Medical Faculty of the Johannes Kepler University (JKU). They have now been notified of the results: 789 women and 772 men (50.54%/49.46%) qualified for university places. There are a total of 1,561 university places for studying medicine in Austria.

The detailed breakdown of these university places is as follows:
-    This year MedUni Vienna has 741 student places and, in line with the overall gender breakdown, 397 were awarded to female students and 344 to male students. Originally it was planned to provide 740 places but two applicants tied ex aequo, so, in keeping with the guidelines, one more place was awarded.
-    The Medical University of Innsbruck is awarding a total of 400 university places, 202 of which went to female students and 198 to male students.
-    The Medical University of Graz has 360 places for medical students, which break down as follows: 163 female students, 197 male students.
-    60 university places are available at the Medical Faculty of JKU. The results: 27 places went to women, 33 to men.

75% of total places available are reserved for students with an Austrian diploma, 20% for students from EU member states and 5% for students from other countries. That is the quota system laid down by the Austrian National Council.

Three years of joint MedAT
This was the third time that the admissions process was conducted at all medical universities for human medicine (MedAT-H) and dentistry (MedAT-Z) using the same tests, following the development of a uniform process as part of a joint initiative.

For MedAT-H, applicants had to pass the following test modules:
- Basic knowledge test for Medical Studies (BMS): to check prior learning from school in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics
- Text comprehension test: to check reading ability and comprehension of texts
- Cognitive skills and abilities: This test consists of five groups of exercises (numerical sequences, memory and retentiveness, assembling figures, language proficiency and understanding implications) and covers basic cognitive skills and abilities-
Social decision-making: This group of exercises measures the ability to rank decisions made in social contexts in terms of their importance.

MedAT-Z is largely identical to MedAT-H. The sections of the test relating to text comprehension and recognizing implications are replaced by tests to determine manual dexterity.