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[in German] Imitationssuizid - Professor Paul Yip hält einen Gastvortrag über die Auswirkungen von medialer Suizidberichterstattung

[in German] (Wien 05-03-2010) Gerade in Asien gehen immer mehr Menschen freiwillig in den Tod. Professor Paul Yip spricht am Donnerstag über die…

European Congress of Radiology in Vienna: The future of radiology - 7 Tesla high-field MR

(Vienna, 4 March 2010) Since autumn 2007, the “Centre of Excellence for high-field MR” at the University Department of Radiology of the Medical…

[in German:] Ergebnisoptimierung in der Therapie maligner Erkrankungen durch moderne Behandlungsstratgien

[in German:] Durch Diskussionen der letzten Wochen angespornt, hat die Klinische Abteilung für Onkologie der Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin I…

[in German] Innovative Konzepte in der onkologischen Rehabilitation

[in German] (Wien, 25-02-2010) Nach wie vor wird Potenzial von onkologischer Rehabilitation in Österreich unterschätzt. Bei rund 36.000 Österreichern…

Novel therapeutic approach for leukaemia

Scientists from the laboratory headed by Veronika Sexl at the Institute of Pharmacology of MedUni Vienna have uncovered a key to the successful…

New biomolecule can be switched on using light

(Vienna, 2 March 2010) A molecule that works on the key-and-lock principle but only meets its task following targeted exposure to light has been…

European research network against kidney diseases and hypertension

Subheading: "SysKid" project granted 11.8 million euros from EU - First meeting from 9-11 March at the Medical University of Vienna

Vienna (APA) - A…

MedUni Vienna involved in university conference on equal treatment

Subheading: Success for MedUni Vienna initiative

MedUni Vienna's demand for focus on women's issues at the university conference, Uniko, was taken into…

Three new professorships to enhance the profile

With three newly-created professorships, the Medical University of Vienna is extending the research and teaching competence of its research clusters:…

MedUni Vienna leading centre for bone marrow and blood stem cell transplantation

(Vienna, 24 Feb. 2010) Major honour for MedUni Vienna: the bone marrow transplantation in Department of Medicine I at the AKH Vienna has developed…