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European research network against kidney diseases and hypertension

Subheading: "SysKid" project granted 11.8 million euros from EU - First meeting from 9-11 March at the Medical University of Vienna

Vienna (APA) - A…

MedUni Vienna involved in university conference on equal treatment

Subheading: Success for MedUni Vienna initiative

MedUni Vienna's demand for focus on women's issues at the university conference, Uniko, was taken into…

Three new professorships to enhance the profile

With three newly-created professorships, the Medical University of Vienna is extending the research and teaching competence of its research clusters:…

MedUni Vienna leading centre for bone marrow and blood stem cell transplantation

(Vienna, 24 Feb. 2010) Major honour for MedUni Vienna: the bone marrow transplantation in Department of Medicine I at the AKH Vienna has developed…

Relaunch of the Education section

On 18 February 2010 the "Education" section was revised and integrated in the existing web CD layout. This relaunch is another important step towards…

Medical unis: huge interest in medical studies - 20% more registrations than in the previous year

Subheading: Online registration for entrance tests in July finished a few hours ago

Vienna (22 Feb. 2010) - Around 13,500 people want to study medicine…

NIH Director Stephen I. Katz at MedUni Vienna

(Vienna, 18 Feb. 2010) Dr. Stephen I. Katz, one of the most renowned exponents of academic dermatology in the world and Director of the National…

Toxicologists examine 30,000 chemicals

(Vienna, 17 Feb. 2010) From 22 to 23 February the Austrian Society of Toxicology will be meeting at the Cancer Research Institute of the Medical…

Key molecule identified in the origin of insulin resistance

The young scientist Dr. Florian Kiefer from the Medical University of Vienna has been able to identify a key factor in the origin of type 2 diabetes.…

[in German:] Auszeichnung: Sonia Horn ARS der Universität Cambridge

[in German:] (Wien, 08-02-2010) Univ. Mag.a phil. med. Sonia Horn, seit 2007 Leiterin der Sammlungen der Medizinischen Universität…