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Adalbert Raimann
Adalbert Raimann

Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Allergology and Endocrinology)

ORCID: 0000-0002-3551-594X
T +43 1 40400 32910


Alkaline Phosphatase; Anabolic Agents; Bone Diseases; Calcium; Chondrocytes; Growth Plate; Hypophosphatasia; Osteogenesis Imperfecta; Osteoporosis; Phosphorous Acids; Rickets, Hypophosphatemic

Research group(s)

Research interests

Bone and growth plate research

  • Mechanisms of linear growth regulation
  • Local phosphate metabolism
  • X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta
  • Pediatric osteoporosis

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

  • 3D chondrocyte culture
  • Primary chondrocyte cultures
  • Porcine model system
  • RT-PCR, ddPCR, ELISA, Western Blot, IHC

Selected publications

  1. Raimann, A. et al., 2020. Elevation of phosphate levels impairs skeletal myoblast differentiation. Cell and Tissue Research, 382(2), pp.427–432. Available at:
  2. Raimann, A. et al., 2013. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Klotho Are Present in the Growth Plate. Connective Tissue Research, 54(2), pp.108–117. Available at:
  3. Raimann, A. et al., 2020. Decreased Compressional Sound Velocity Is an Indicator for Compromised Bone Stiffness in X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets (XLH). Frontiers in Endocrinology, 11. Available at:
  4. Raimann, A. et al., 2017. A journey through growth plates: tracking differences in morphology and regulation between the spine and the long bones in a pig model. The Spine Journal, 17(11), pp.1674–1684. Available at:
  5. Mindler, G.T. et al., 2020. Disease-specific gait deviations in pediatric patients with X-linked hypophosphatemia. Gait & Posture, 81, pp.78–84. Available at: