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Wilfried Krois
Priv.-Doz. DDr. Wilfried Krois

Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Surgery
Position: Consultant

ORCID: 0000-0001-6614-9703
T +43 1 4040019210


Colorectal Surgery; Congenital Abnormalities; Constipation; Hirschsprung Disease; Pediatric surgery

Research group(s)

  • Vienna Pediatric Colorectal Research Group
    Research Area: Pediatric colorectal diseases, anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung disease, functional constipation, colonic hypomotility disorders and pelvic floor dysfunction in children

Research interests

The main focus of the Vienna Pediatric Colorectal Research Group (VPCRG) is in children born with anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung disease, colonic motility disorders including functional constipation and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Special interest in pediatric colorectal surgery and Public Health; doctoral-thesis completed with the title "Comparison and treatment-optimization in the field of pediatric colorectal surgery in an industrial- and a developing country: challenges, limitations, and perspectives for doctors in Austria and Honduras"

Collaboration with the Pediatric Virtual Reality Laboratory (PedVR-Lab) and Pediatric Simulation (Pedsim)-Training

Selected publications

  1. Krois, W. et al., 2020. Quality outcomes for pediatric colorectal surgery treated during short-term international medical service trips at a dedicated site in Honduras. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Available at:
  2. Krois, W. et al., 2020. The effect of pediatric colorectal short-term medical service trips on self-reported confidence in patient care in volunteers in the home country. Ann Glob Health 2020, in press
  3. King SK, Krois W, Lacher M, Saadai P, Armon Y, Midrio P. Optimal management of the newborn with an anorectal malformation and evaluation of their continence potential. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2020 Dec;29(6):150996. Epub 2020 Nov 10. PMID: 33288137.
  4. Krois, W. et al., 2017. Sociodemographics and the impact of a colostomy to indigent families and children with colorectal disorders in Honduras. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Available at:
  5. Krois, W. et al., 2021. Assessment of sacral ratio in patients with anorectal malformations - Can magnetic resonance imaging replace conventional radiographs?–Sacral-ratio from MRI; Journal of Pediatric Surger