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Attila Kiss
Dr. Attila Kiss

Center for Biomedical Research (Division of Biomedical Research)
Position: Research Assistant

ORCID: 0000-0003-4652-1998
T +43 1 0664 3682859

Further Information


Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic; Infarction; Myocardial Ischemia; Myocardial Reperfusion Injury

Research interests

Cardiovascular physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology; experimental models of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion and infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, testing of newly developed antiischemic compounds. Focus on the endogenous adaptation of the heart against ischemic and reperfusion injury (e.g remote conditionings). Ischemia and reperfusion-induced release of reactive molecules and their downstream pathways, cardioprotective mechasnims relate to nitric oxide signaling pathway.  The protective role of vagus stimulation on diseased heart and the possible cardioprotecvtive mechanism of non neuronal cholinerg system. Metabolic syndrome in vasculature and in myocardium. Left ventricle remodeling and heart failure, basic mechanism and clinical aspect.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

In vivo: acute ischemia/reperfusion model of dog, pig and rat. Electrical stimulation of vagus nerve (rat, pig), diabetic model on rat. Minor experience working with mice with ischemia/reperfusion and LV remodelling. Myocardial infarction model on rats. Isolated working heart model on rat hearts. In vitro: Protein expression assay (Western blot), fluorescent staining, nitrate/nitrite assay, arginase activity, ELISA and histology. Assessment of vascular reactivity (myograph).

Selected publications

  1. Kiss, A. et al., 2018. Argon preconditioning enhances postischaemic cardiac functional recovery following cardioplegic arrest and global cold ischaemia . European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Available at:
  2. Kiss, A. et al., 2010. The role of nitric oxide, superoxide and peroxynitrite in the anti-arrhythmic effects of preconditioning and peroxynitrite infusion in anaesthetized dogs. British Journal of Pharmacology, 160(5), pp.1263-1272. Available at:
  3. Podesser, B.K. et al., 2018. Tenascin-C promotes chronic pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction, hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis. Journal of Hypertension, 36(4), pp.847-856. Available at:
  4. Osmanagic-Myers, S. et al., 2018. Endothelial progerin expression causes cardiovascular pathology through an impaired mechanoresponse. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129(2), pp.531–545. Available at:
  5. Kiss, A. et al., 2014. The Role of Arginase and Rho Kinase in Cardioprotection from Remote Ischemic Perconditioning in Non-Diabetic and Diabetic Rat In Vivo R. J. Korthuis, ed. PLoS ONE, 9(8), p.e104731. Available at: