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Impact of the COVID pandemic on people with schizophrenia

Researchers discovered that the pandemic had a significant impact on the lives and treatment of people suffering from schizophrenic psychoses
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(Vienna, 03-03-2023) A research group led by Matthäus Fellinger from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at MedUni Vienna investigated the impact of the COVID pandemic on the lives and treatment of people with schizophrenic psychosis. The study was published in the renowned International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

Within the context of the study, schizophrenia patients in outpatient, day-care and inpatient care settings were interviewed about their personal experiences during the pandemic using specially developed qualitative in-depth interviews. The researchers discovered that the pandemic and the associated preventive measures led to a significant reduction in everyday activities and social interactions for the mental health of the study participants. Furthermore, the pandemic situation was experienced in an atmosphere of unfamiliarity and threat. In addition, relevant bio-psycho-social support systems either stopped their services temporarily or offered alternatives (e.g. tele-care) that were perceived as unhelpful. The loss of interaction, daily structure and care was critical for probationers especially when they were essential for maintaining mental health. Previous experience in coping with personal crises, especially in the context of mental illness, was seen by the interviewees as helpful in coping with the daily challenges of the pandemic.

"The study shows that the psychiatric care of people with schizophrenic disorders must also be a priority during a pandemic and has to be maintained in the best possible manner. Clearly, this requires a differentiated assessment of individual support and treatment needs and the provision of the required bio-psycho-social care," says study leader Matthäus Fellinger.

Publication: International Journal of Social Psychiatry
How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the personal lives and care realities of people suffering from a schizophrenia spectrum disorder? A qualitative interview study
Alexander Kaltenboeck, Filipe Portela Millinger, Sarah Stadtmann, Christine Schmid, Michaela Amering, Susanne Vogl, Matthäus Fellinger.

DOI: 10.1177/00207640231156833