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Gerhard Prager takes over presidency of IFSO

Expert in bariatric surgery to head international professional society
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Bild: MedUni Wien/Matern

(Naples, 12 September 2023) - Gerhard Prager, Head of the Bariatric Outpatient Clinic at MedUni Vienna's University Department of General Surgery, was elected as the new President of IFSO at the International World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic disorders (IFSO) in Naples. With over 3,300 participants from 150 countries, the World Congress is the most important event in the world of metabolic and bariatric surgery.

Gerhard Prager takes over this important position from Scott Shikora of Stanford and will now guide the fortunes of IFSO. IFSO is the international professional society for metabolic and bariatric surgery, bringing together more than 10,000 members from 72 countries worldwide.

The challenges facing healthcare systems in the 21st century are immense, and the obesity epidemic is one of the largest. Obesity affects approximately 700 million people worldwide, and more than 4.7 million people die each year as a result of this disease. Metabolic and bariatric surgery plays a critical role in addressing this global health problem.

Gerhard Prager is a recognized expert in the field of metabolic and bariatric surgery and has made an international name for himself through his research and work at the Medical University of Vienna. Together, Gerhard Prager and the IFSO are committed to raising awareness about the prevention and treatment of obesity and promoting metabolic and bariatric surgery worldwide to improve the lives of millions of people.

The International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic disorders (IFSO) is the world's leading scientific society for metabolic and bariatric surgery. It strives to promote and improve research, education and patient care in this field. The organization is passionate about combating the global obesity epidemic and supporting professionals in the field of metabolic and bariatric surgery.

about the person
Gerhard Prager is Head of the Obesity Outpatient Clinic at the Department of General Surgery at MedUni Vienna. In July 1992, he received his doctorate in allied health from the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna. In 2003, he was appointed senior physician at the University Department of Surgery at MedUni Vienna, and since 2004 he has also served as head of the "Obesity Surgery" working group. From 2011-2015, Prager was chairman of the scientific advisory board of IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders). From 2018-2020, he served as President of the European Federation for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery: IFSO-European Chapter.

Since September 1, 2021 Prager holds the professorship for Bariatric Surgery (§ 98) at MedUni Vienna.