(Wien, 18-07-2015) Today, Anita Rieder, Vice Principal for Teaching at the Medical University Vienna, opened the KinderUniMedizin (University clinic for children) followed by the first lecture to the topic "The basics for a healthy life". Approximately 2,000 pupils between seven and twelve years of age are registered for this week with a total of 102 courses. 54 of these lectures, seminars and workshops are booked out. Overall, the kids thus occupy approximately 5,000 of the 5,600 offered university places.
"It is never too early to start dealing with health and medical research. The KinderUniMedizin is particularly well suited for this purpose. The high number of participants is another clear indication for the early and huge interest in science and medicine. Our university is open to all inquisitive children to learn something new while playing during the holidays and possibly also return later to MedUni Vienna to an occupation in science or the health sector", says Anita Rieder, Vice Principal for Teaching at MedUni Vienna.
The spectrum of lectures and workshops is diverse and reaches from general questions such as "Where does a bellyache come from?" or "Where does the blood flow to? through the Teddy bear hospital for the younger students through to the "ABC of vaccination", a "Journey through the digestive tract" or exciting questions such as "How does one perform brain surgery?". At the outset, Vice Principal Rieder and Curriculum Director Gerhard-Johann Zlabinger personally visited some of the exciting courses, among other "Why do I have to undergo surgery?" and "How does food travel from the mouth to the stomach?".
Kinderuni Wien
In the contest of the summer program "Kinderuni Wien", which has been organised and coordinated by the Kinderbüro Universität Vienna since 2003, the doors of the university are open for two weeks to children between 7 and 12 years of age. By now, six universities (Universität Wien, Medizinische Universität Wien, Technische Universität Wien, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) andone University of Applied Science (FH Campus Wien) are part of the program. This year, KinderuniMedizin at MedUni Vienna is open from 18 to 22 July 2016.