(Vienna/Innsbruck/Graz/Linz, 22 February 2017) Online registration to compete for a university place to study medicine or dentistry in the 2017/18 academic year at the medical universities of Vienna, Innsbruck or Graz or the Medical Faculty of Johannes Kepler University (JKU) opens on 1 March 2017. You have until 31 March to register at www.medizinstudieren.at to take part in the entrance exam on 7 July 2017.
To help you prepare for the exam you can find numerous examples of exercises and information about the individual elements of the exam at www.medizinstudieren.at. This website also provides information about the individual universities and answers to detailed questions about the exam – from registration right through to acceptance.
Content of the MedAT-H and MedAT-Z entrance exams
The entrance exam for human medicine (Med-AT-H) is a multi-part written exam comprising the following elements:
- Basic knowledge test for medical studies: Checking of previous knowledge from school in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics
- ext comprehension test: Checking of reading ability and comprehension of texts
- Cognitive skills and abilities: This test consists of five groups of exercises (numerical sequences, memory and retentiveness, assembling figures, language proficiency and understanding implications) and covers basic cognitive skills and abilities.
- Social and emotional skills: This part of the exam consists of a group of exercises on "Social decision-making" and "Understanding emotions", testing important aspects of social and emotional skills.
The entrance exam for dentistry (MedAT-Z) is largely identical to MedAT-H. In place of the text comprehension test and the section on understanding implications, manual skills are tested by exercises involving bending wire and reproducing shapes.
A total of 1,620 university places available
There are a total of 1,620 university places available for human medicine and dentistry for the 2017/18 academic year, 740 of these at the medical University of Vienna, 400 at the Medical University of Innsbruck, 360 at the Medical University of Graz and 120 at the Medical Faculty of JKU Linz.
In order to confirm your registration for MedAT, you are required to pay a fee of €110 to the relevant medical university of faculty. This registration fee is to cover the universities' costs associated with the admissions procedure. The actual entrance exams take place at all venues on Friday 7 July 2017 (approx. 8:00 - 17:00 hrs).
Timetable for admissions procedure for human medicine and dentistry 2017:
1 to 31 March 2017: Online registration and payment of registration fee
Friday, 7 July 2017: MedAT entrance exams in Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Linz