(Vienna, 28 March 2018) Shahrokh Shariat, Head of the Department of Urology, MedUni Vienna/Vienna General Hospital, has been given the European Urology 2018 Platinum Award for Excellence by the European Association of Urology.
The Platinum Award is given in recognition of services to the European Association of Urology and contributions to the specialist journal European Urology (Impact Factor 16,625) published by the association on the basis of a peer-review process.
About Shahrokh Shariat
Shahrokh Shariat came to Vienna from Teheran (Iran) as a child, completed his secondary education here and studied chemistry and mathematics at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Lausanne before switching to a medical course at MedUni Vienna. After gaining his doctorate, Shariat went to the USA, where he completed a Research Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and did his specialist training in urology at the University of Texas in Dallas. Shariat specialised in urologic oncology at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center in New York.
From 2010 to 2013 he ran the bladder cancer unit at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York.
Since June 2013 he has headed up the Department of Urology of MedUni Vienna within Vienna General Hospital.
In total, Shariat has authored more than 1,000 peer-reviewed publications and holds four patents generated from his research work in the field of prostate and bladder cancer. His Scopus h-index (Hirsch factor) is 84, his Google h-index: 109. He was voted best urologic oncologist in New York in 2012.
He was twice named one of the leading urologists in the USA. He is the only person to have been awarded both of the top prizes in urology: the EAU Crystal Matula Award 2014 and the AUA Gold Cystoscope Award 2017.