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MedUni Vienna honours its Researchers of the Month for 2019

Awards for outstanding research papers at the Medical University of Vienna
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(Vienna, 13 November 2019) At a ceremony held yesterday in its Rectorate Hall, MedUni Vienna honoured its Researchers of the Month for 2019. The university used this opportunity to recognise outstanding research work produced at the Medical University of Vienna.

The certificates were presented by Rector Markus Müller, Vice Rector Michaela Fritz and the jury members Klaus Markstaller (Head of the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine), Bruno Podesser (Head of the Center for Biomedical Research) and Daniela Pollak-Monje Quiroga (Professor of Behavioural Biology).

Every month since 2004, MedUni Vienna has designated a Researcher of the Month, in order to highlight outstanding research achievements at the university. Every month, an independent committee of experts selects the Researcher of the Month from among the research papers submitted.

MedUni Vienna Researchers of the Month for 2019 are:

January 2019: Alfonso Malagon Vina
Center for Brain Research

February 2019: Katarzyna Niespodziana
Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research

March 2019: Johannes Längle
Division of General Surgery

April 2019: Claudia Fuchs-Steiner
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

May 2019: Karl Heinrich Schneider
Center for Biomedical Research
May 2019: Anna-Dorothea Gorki
Department of Medicine I

June 2019: Eva Schwindt
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
July 2019: Robert Zilberszac
Division of Cardiology

August 2019: Mamta Jain
Division of Cell and Developmental Biology

September 2019: Gerald Stübiger
Division of Nuclear Medicine

October 2019: Johanna Klughammer and Barbara Kiesel
CeMM and Department of Neurosurgery respectively
October 2019: Anete Romanauska
Max Perutz Laboratories

November 2019: Philipp Tschandl
Department of Dermatology

December 2019: Nina Buchtele

Submissions for 2020
All submissions received by 15 December of each calendar year are collected and a majority decision made from among the nominations. The 12 best publications are selected and the prize-winners are featured on a monthly basis over the following year. The prize-winners receive a certificate identifying them as a "MedUni Vienna Researcher of the Month" presented at an academic ceremony by the Rector and Vice Rector for Research.  People are also able to put themselves forward for the Researcher of the Month awards.
