A new project aims at supporting PhDs and PostDocs to develop the skills and competencies crucially needed in order to contribute towards the creation of new medicines. The project C-COMEND (Competency-based COurse on Translational Research and MEdiciNes Development for PhDs and Postdocs) will bring together players from European research institutes, higher education institutions, academic translational centres and the pharmaceutical industry.
To achieve these objectives C-COMEND will jointly develop curricula for an intensive study face-to-face course and a (preparatory) e-learning course. The most innovative aspect of this project is the competency profile which will serve as the basis of the course curricula and is developed using input from a broad stakeholder group. The competencies taught will include scientific topics and transversal skills such as presentation, team communication, and also Entrepreneurship skills.
In order to be successful in providing innovations in the health sector, professionals need an integrated overview of all stages and disciplines in translational research and medicines development. In addition, they need to understand the professional roles in the academic, industry and regulatory sectors. C-COMEND sets out to build a European education and training network to meet these needs.
Project partners
• Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
• Medical University of Vienna
• Karolinska Institutet
• Elevate Health