The annual YSA PhD Symposium organized by the Young Scientist Association is a major scientific event at the Medical University of Vienna that highlights basic and applied medical research at our University. Enabling our doctoral students to gain experience in research and medical science is one of the most important responsibilities of the YSA.
Training in science is really training the way of thinking. It is a way of approaching problems, a way of becoming a critical thinker showing lasting impact. The YSA PhD Symposium aims to offer opportunities to doctoral students from over 40 thematic programs to give and attend oral and poster presentations from various scientific fields.
In addition to presentations, doctoral students and guests are able to participate in interactive networking events organized by the YSA.
19th YSA PhD Symposium

We are thrilled to announce that the next symposium will take place on the 28th and 29th of May 2024, at the AKH Hörsaalzentrum (Level 7/8).
Please visit following page to sign up: 19th YSA PhD Symposium
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us (
In the meantime you are invited to have closer look on our most recent past symposia. The respective symposium websites serve as programm booklets, so that you can keep track on our previous events.