Research group(s)
- Nephrogene
Head: Rainer Oberbauer
Research Area: Academic Research in Genetic and Clinical Epidemiology of Kidney Disease.
Research interests
My main research focus is the application of bioinformatics and statistics in the field of nephrology, especially in transplantation and epidemiologic research questions.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
micro arrays, different PCR methods, electrophoresis, statistical methods, statistical programms (SAS, R, SPSS)
Selected publications
- Kainz A, Goliasch G, Wiesbauer F, Binder T, Maurer G, Nesser HJ, Mascherbauer R, Ebner C, Kramar R, Wilflingseder J, Oberba uer R. Left atrial diameter and survival among renal allograft recipients . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 2013. 8 (12): 2100-2105.
- Kainz A, Wilflingseder J, Fugger R, Kramar R, Oberbauer R. Hemoglobin variability after renal transplantation is associ ated with mortality. Transpl Int, 2012. 25 (3): 323- 327
- Kainz A, Wilflingseder J, Mitterbauer C, Haller M, Burghuber C, Perco P, Langer RM, Heinze G, Oberbauer R. Steroid pr etreatment of organ donors to prevent postischemic renal allograft failure: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med, 2010. 153 (4): 222-230
- Kainz A, Mayer B, Kramar R, Oberbauer R. Association of ESA hypo-responsiveness and haemoglobin variability with mortality in haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2010. 25 (11): 3701-3706
- Kainz A, Mitterbauer C, Hauser P, Schwar z C, Regele HM, Berlakovich G, Mayer G, Perco P, Mayer B, Meyer TW, Oberbauer R. Alterations in gene expression in cadaveric vs. live donor kidneys suggest impa ired tubular counterbalance of oxidative stress at implantation. Am J Transplant, 2004. 4 (10): 1595-1604