Animal models; Clinical Trial; Death, Sudden, Cardiac; Emergency Medical Services; Emergency Medicine; Emergency Service, Hospital; Hypothermia, Induced; Intensive Care; Myocardial Infarction; Patient Simulation; Resuscitation
Research group(s)
- Cardiac Arrest
Research interests
My research activity extends from the laboratory bench (the neuroprotective effects of therapeutic hypothermia on global cerebral ischemia; the effectiveness of various cooling methods; influence of new resuscitation methods on the neurologic function and survival in pigs) through to clinical trials (study coordinator of the HACA trial, local PI for various studies on cooling devices in patients after cardiac arrest, hypothermia for treatment of myocardial infarction) and I am currently responsible for all clinical research activities of the department of emergency medicine in hypothermia research.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
- Clinial trials
- Experimental models of resuscitation in pigs and rats
- Cardiopulmonary bypass in pigs and rats
- Microdialysis
- Histologic studies in brain and other tissues.
Selected publications
- Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest Study Group, 2002. Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia to Improve the Neurologic Outcome after Cardiac Arrest. New England Journal of Medicine, 346(8), pp.549-556. Available at:
- Arrich, J. et al., 2016. Hypothermia for neuroprotection in adults after cardiopulmonary resuscitation J. Arrich, ed. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Available at:
- Arrich, J. et al., 2016. Pre-hospital versus in-hospital initiation of cooling for survival and neuroprotection after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest J. Arrich, ed. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Available at:
- Erlinge, D. et al., 2014. Rapid Endovascular Catheter Core Cooling Combined With Cold Saline as an Adjunct to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63(18), pp.1857-1865. Available at:
- Polderman, K.H. et al., 2015. Ultrarapid Induction of Hypothermia Using Continuous Automated Peritoneal Lavage With Ice-Cold Fluids. Critical Care Medicine, 43(10), pp.2191-2201. Available at: