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MedUni Vienna's 2020 Annual Report is out

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(Vienna, 10 June 2021) The year 2020 was completely dominated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its challenges. Thanks to the great commitment shown by MedUni Vienna's staff and students, it was possible to maintain high-quality patient care, research and teaching. Many MedUni Vienna experts have made major contributions towards minimising the impact of coronavirus in Austria. There are research projects dedicated to finding solutions and new discoveries to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control and gain a better understanding of the disease, a new website with FAQs about coronavirus and numerous fact-check videos to combat fake news. The latest MedUni Vienna Annual Report provides a round-up of the year 2020. 

It also showcases the wide range of outstanding, personal academic achievements at MedUni Vienna. All of that is framed by the relevant key performance indicators for the 2020 financial year. The new Annual Report can be obtained from the Communication and Public Relations Department:

» Or you can simply leaf through it online