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[in German:] Richard März erhielt Ehrendoktorat der Universität Timisoara

Seit 2006 Zusammenarbeit mit der "Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Victor Babes Timisoara".

Women live longer – but have a lower quality of life

Women's quality of life is significantly worse than that of men in terms of health.

[in German:] Bei Schlaganfällen zählt jede Minute

Innovatives, minimal-invasives Verfahren zur Behandlung von Schlaganfällen rettet Leben.

[Translate to English:] Geboren in Hungersnot: Massiv erhöhtes Diabetes-Risiko im Alter

[Translate to English:] MedUni-ForscherInnen analysierten Daten von 325.000 Diabetes-PatientInnen.

Bone metastases: new pain therapy through radiation aims to improve quality of life and life expectancy

The Nuclear Medicine investigates if alpha radiation can increase the quality of life and life expectancy.

[in German:] Trauer um Johann Heinrich Holzner

Holzner war langjähriger Vorstand des Instituts für Pathologie.

[in German:] „Inventum 2012“: Silber für Patent der MedUni Wien

Auszeichnung für Team der Abteilung Neurophsyiologie und -pharmakologie.

Vienna scientists observe development of brain pathways even in the womb

In a world first, these pathways have now been visualised in living foetuses by the MedUni Vienna – a major step forward for early diagnosis

Tumour diagnosis: new method visualises complex biochemical changes in individual cells

The team led by Markus Hengstschläger, Head of the Institute of Medical Genetics at the MedUni Vienna, has developed a new method for detecting…

MedUni Vienna researches interferon-free treatment for hepatitis C

The aim is to develop a more effective treatment that has fewer side effects.