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Quality of cartilage repair tissue can also be determined without a surgery

With the assistance of diffusion weighted imaging in a 3-Tesla scanner.

[in German:] FSME-Impfung und Senioren: Relativer Mangel an Antikörpern

MedUni Wien-Studie: Deshalb kürzere Wirkung der Immunisierung.

[in German:] Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Angst- und Schmerz-Therapien entschlüsselt

Mögliche Basis für die Entwicklung von Therapien anstelle von Valium.

Bone marrow transplantation assists in acceptance of donated organs

In an organ transplant the recipient protects himself with an immune reaction against the alien organ. This reaction is counteracted long-term with…

[in German:] Erforschung der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung

Messerli-Institut zur interdisziplinären Erforschung der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung eröffnet.

Study: HPV vaccination reduces the risk of infection even after a previous case of the disease

The vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) reduces the risk of a renewed HPV-associated illness in patients who have already had diseases as a…

[in German:] MedUni Wien als Hotspot der Labormedizin

Sieben ForscherInnen der MedUni Wien unter den Top 50 der meistzitierten LabormedizinerInnen.

On the search for “customised” radiotherapy

Over the course of several weeks of radiotherapy treatment, tumours can change not only “spatially” in terms of position and volume, but also in terms…

New combination therapy improves bone health in older patients with breast cancer

Older women with breast cancer tend to suffer more from bony metastases and osteoporosis as a result of resistances that they develop to hormone…

[in German:] MedUni Wien leitet EU-Projekt zur Erforschung der Hirnentwicklung und Hirnalterung

Die Medizinische Universität leitet das von der EU mit 2,99 Millionen Euro geförderte, multizentrische Projekt „DEVELAGE“ zur Erforschung der…