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Cause of separation of the lymphatic system discovered

By deciphering the mechanism for separating the lymphatic system from the vascular system researchers from MedUni Vienna are answering a previously…

[In German:] Markus Raderer erneut in das Editorial Board des „Journal of Clinical Oncology“ berufen

[In German:] (Wien, 19-01-2011) Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Markus Raderer wurde mit Jänner 2011 zum zweiten Mal für 3 Jahre in das Editorial Board des…

MedUni Vienna and University of Vienna to set up joint research clusters

The new year brings innovative forms of cooperation at the university location of Vienna. At MedUni Vienna and the University of Vienna…

[In German:] Postgraduales MBA-Studium „Health Care Management“: Studienbeginn im März

[In German:] (Wien, 12-01-2011) Breits zum 6. Mal startet Mitte April der erfolgreiche Universitätslehrgang, in dem die komplexen Probleme und…

EU Regulation is examined for danger of treating patients with new drugs

(Vienna, 12 Jan. 2011) A new EU Regulation could delay or endanger the rapid clinical use of the latest drugs on patients. An international consortium…

Christian Singer obtains Professorship of Clinical-Translational Gynaecologic Oncology

On 1 January Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Singer took over the Professorship of Clinical-Translational Gynaecologic Oncology at MedUni Vienna. This is…

7-tesla MRT: anatomical study points to clinical application

(Vienna, 10-01-2011) With a comparative study of a brain region (nucleus dentatus) on the 7-tesla ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance tomograph (MRT)…

Professorship of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

On 1 January 2011 Univ. Prof. Dr. Stephan Doering took over the Professorship of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at MedUni Vienna. At the same time…

[in German:] Emir von Katar besuchte MedUni Wien

Im Rahmen ihres offiziellen Besuches in Österreich absolvierten der Emir von Katar, Scheich Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, und seine Frau Mozah Bint…

[in German:] Umweltmediziner: Luftschadstoffe steigern Herz-Kreislauf-Risiko

[in German:] Korrelation nach langjährigen Messungen in Wien, Graz und Linz nachgewiesen

(Wien, 24-12-2010) Hat die Luftverschmutzung in den…