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Emmanuel van der Schueren Award 2010 to be presented to Richard Pötter

(Vienna, 10 September 2010) At the 29th Annual Congress of ESTRO, Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Pötter, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy at MedUni…

[in German:] Ministerien nominieren Mitglieder des Forschungsrates

[in German:] (Wien, 08-09-2010) Wissenschaftsministerin Beatrix Karl hat nun die von ihrem Haus zu entsendenden Mitglieder des Rats für Forschung und…

Hans Lassmann to receive prize for multiple sclerosis research

O.Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Lassmann, Head of the Department of Neuroimmunology at the Center for Brain Research of MedUni Vienna, will be the first…

[in German] Ausschreibung: FWF START-Programm (Frist 6.10.2010)

[in German] Junge SpitzenforscherInnen aller Fachdisziplinen soll die Möglichkeit geboten werden, auf längere Sicht und finanziell weitgehend…

“The future belongs to prevention and individualised diagnosis and therapy!”

Cancer specialist Prof. Michael Micksche on developments in cancer research, the focal points of research at the Cancer Research Institute and about…

[In German:] Lehrbuch der MedUni Wien für Digitale Medizinische Bilddatenverarbeitung

[In German:] (Wien, 01-09-2010) Die digitale Nachbearbeitung radiologischer Bilddaten ist längst ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil diagnostischer und…

MedUni Vienna study clarifies causes of acute renal transplant failure

(Vienna, 30 August 2010) In around a quarter of all kidney transplants from deceased organ donors the transplant does not work immediately, there is…

New therapeutic approaches for lymph node cancer

(Vienna, 31 August 2010) In a cooperation project between MedUni Vienna and the Salzburg University Hospital it has now been possible to prove that…

Chromatin-modifying enzyme influences asthma

(Vienna, 31 August 2010) Two research groups at MedUni Vienna have now been able to prove in a model experiment that a specific enzyme has a decisive…

Bernd Binder, 1945 - 2010

Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd Binder died on 28 August 2010 after a long illness. With him the Medical University of Vienna has lost one of its most prominent…