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Mattias Mandorfer honoured with the United European Gastroenterology Rising Star Award

Prize supports career development of leading young scientists in Europe


New CT technology with ultra-low radiation dose outperforms chest X-ray

Medicine & Science

Study confirms diagnostic superiority of ultra-low-dose CT in emergency medicine


Novel therapeutic approach for malignant pediatric brain tumor

Medicine & Science

Antiangiogenic therapy starves the cancer by interfering mainly with the cancer microenvironment


All-time high in sexually transmitted infections in Europe

Medicine & Science

High number of new cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia infections in Austria


Skin cancer diagnoses using AI are as reliable as those made by medical experts

Medicine & Science

Comparison of the accuracy in diagnosis and therapy recommendation of algorithms in smartphone applications with that of doctors

In the joint fight against sudden cardiac death

Medicine & Science, Studies & Further Education

Successful elective course "Learning by Teaching Life-Saving Immediate Measures" for students at MedUni Vienna