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University lecture 2010: "All forces for the patients"

Clinical research is at the centre of the university lecture 2010 of MedUni Vienna.

ISPNO 2010 - International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology

From 20 to 23 June the International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, ISPNO 2010, will be organised in Vienna. It is no coincidence that Vienna…

6th PhD Symposium at MedUni Vienna

(Vienna, 16 June 2010) Taking place today and tomorrow is the now traditional PhD Symposium of young scientists, where upcoming researchers present…

International cancer research consortium with Austrian involvement

(Vienna, 16 June 2010) With Priv. Doz. Dr. Boban Erovic a specialist from the ENT Clinic at MedUni Vienna has now been invited to take part in the…

New essential findings on stem cell therapy at MedUni Vienna

(Vienna, 15 June 2010) The scientific world sees great potential in the use of human stem cells for treating particularly hard to cure diseases. While…

Professorship of Dental Training

Since 1 June the Bernhard-Gottlieb University Department of Dentistry at MedUni Vienna has had a Professor of Dental Training with Univ. Prof. DDr.…

[in German:] Handersatz: Bionik versus Fleisch und Blut

[in German:] (Wien, 14-06-2010) Wann ist eine Myoprothese die Therapie der Wahl, wann eine Handtransplantation? Diese Frage stand am Freitag im…

MedUni Vienna at the international forefront in the study of brain tumours

(Vienna, 10 June 2010) Tumours in the human brain are particularly difficult to treat because of their immediate vicinity to vital functional areas.…

[in German:] Initiative Krebsforschung unter „Mond, Planeten, Sterne“

[in German:] (Wien, 08-06-2010) Bereits zum dritten Mal konnten über 400 PatientInnen, MedizinerInnen und PflegerInnen der Generalprobe des…

[In German:] Österreichischer Hygienepreis 2010 an MedUni Wien

[In German:] (Wien, 09-06-2010) Im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin wurde DI…