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News - Page 46 of 458

Emine Atas receives Youth Travel Funds Award of the FEBS

People of the MedUni Vienna

Award of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies promotes young scientists


Diagnosed with cancer? Cancer School imparts knowledge

Studies & Further Education

Lecture series of the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Vienna of MedUni Vienna and University Hospital Vienna starts on October 3, 2023

MedUni Vienna cooperates with Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

University, Medicine & Science

Memorandum of cooperation signed with medical university in Ukraine

Gerhard Prager takes over presidency of IFSO

People of the MedUni Vienna

Expert in bariatric surgery to head international professional society

Patient Safety Day: Experts inform about drug therapy safety, hand hygiene and child resuscitation

Medicine & Science

On the occasion of the International Patient Safety Day on September 18th 2023 at the University Hospital Vienna AKH

Department for Emergency Medicine researches digitalization of medical decision-making processes

Medicine & Science

Highly endowed FFG grant to harness locally available medical knowledge for AI-assisted patient care

Jing Ning honored with WIMIN Scholar Award

People of the MedUni Vienna

Award recognizes PhD student's research in molecular imaging science

contextflow receives funding from European Innovation Council Accelerator Programme

Medicine & Science

MedUni Vienna start-up the only Austrian company among those selected