Head: Dr. Christiane Druml
Ethics, Collections and History of Medicine
Währinger Straße 25
1090 Vienna, Austria
The Josephinum is home to a wide array of collections of various kinds, ages and origins, which together represent the cultural heritage of the Medical University of Vienna, or the earlier Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna. The collections in the historic "Josephinum" in Währingerstraße can also be visited.
The collections have evolved to reflect the institution’s almost 650-year history and their depth and variety makes them a treasure unique in the world. The collections include comprehensive libraries, archives, images, estates, educational materials, models and instruments, which have grown out of the faculty’s various scientific, educational, research and healthcare activities, and thus reflect all the many aspects of its development.
At the heart of the Josephinum’s collections are the original stocks, acquired by Joseph II when the institution was founded, especially the world-famous wax anatomical models and the so-called Josephina Library. Over the last two centuries, the various other collections have been built up step by step, and what was once a surgical academy has been transformed into a museum and a centre for research and teaching on the history of medicine.