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Comprehensive Center for Infection Medicine

Head: Birgit Willinger
Deputy Head: Elisabeth Presterl, MBA
Deputy Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Burgmann
Deputy Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Trauner Michael
Deputy Head: Ursula Wiedermann-Schmidt, PhD

Comprehensive Center for Infection Medicine
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, BT 10
1090 Vienna, Austria

The Comprehensive Center for Infection Medicine (CCIM) enables close cooperation between all organisational units and professional groups of the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Vienna in the fields of infection prevention and control, antimicrobial therapy and clinical microbiology as well as vaccinology and specific prophylaxis. Research, knowledge transfer and education in these fields are meant to continuously improve patient care and establish a broad understanding.

The primary concern is patient-centred, cutting-edge medical care for patients with infectious diseases, but also prevention and protection against such diseases in collaboration with a wide range of specialists and professional groups. The accompanying clinical research goes hand in hand with the interdisciplinary treatment of patients in order to achieve innovative goals in diagnostics and therapy as well as in hygiene, prophylaxis and prevention.

The key is a close cooperation of all organisational units of the University Hospital Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna. Based on the key disciplines to counteract infectious diseases, the main units are:

  • the Department of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control;
  • the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at the Department of Medicine I;
  • the Divisions of Clinical Microbiology and Clinical Virology at the Department of Laboratory Medicine;
  • the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Department of Medicine III;
  • the Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine at the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology;
  • the Department of Dermatology and
  • the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.

The aim of CCIM’s “flagship” project “CCIM Knowledge Transfer on the Prevention, Management and Control of Infectious Diseases” is to implement the knowledge and skills necessary for hygiene, patient care, diagnostics and prevention in all clinical therapeutic and diagnostic disciplines and all relevant professional groups.