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About Digital Skills

Project: Digital Skills, Knowledge & Communication for Medical Students

Duration: January 2020 – December 2024

Lead university: Medical University of Vienna

Project management
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Georg Dorffner
Dr. Clemens Gangl

Project coordination/contact
Armin Redzic

Partner universities: Medical University Graz, Medical University Innsbruck, Medical Faculty Johannes Kepler University Linz

The goal of the project is to jointly develop and implement all necessary teaching content, modules, and measures within the medical studies in order to train future medical personnel optimally in the areas of “Digital Skills, Knowledge & Communication (DSKC).” DSKC is understood to mean not only the use of computers or computer-controlled devices per se – something that can already be expected of students of future generations as part of their general education – but also the knowledge and deeper understanding of the fundamentals and processes of digitalisation in medicine. In addition, skills in dealing with digital media and the use of these tools in everyday medical practice are to be taught. With the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that digitalisation brings to medicine, it is also compulsory to acquire the appropriate communicative digital skills to communicate with patients in an attentive manner.

The project is divided into three subprojects:

  • Technical knowledge on digitalisation in medicine
    Coordinator: Medical University of Vienna
  • Digitalisation in communication with patients
    Coordinator: Medical University of Graz
  • Digitalisation in the social context
    Coordinator: Medical University of Innsbruck

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